Made Easy Tarpaulin Fish Pond Recommendation and Advice on fish farming

Here are some advice:

Firstly, before you go into fish farming, you must be ready to learn the rudiments of fish farming, because there are lots conditions and factors that either make you gain or lose in fish farming, and such include but not limited to these:

(1) FEEDING: feed with good quality floating feed in first two months or 12 weeks, then you can switch to locally palletised feed for good weight. There are lots of quality feed, and there are few wonderful ones. We at Made Easy Tarpaulin Fish Pond, would have mentioned some of them, but it could be that we are publicly making praise of some feed brands while demoting others. In that sense you can talk in the comment box and let experience Farmers share with you what works, but indeed, we at Made Easy Tarpaulin Fish Pond must say there are feeds that do wonderfully well.

Reinforced Fish Pond
Reinforced Mobile Tarpaulin Fish Pond.

(2) INFECTION: In fish farming, fish Infection can bring down your efforts and we at Made Easy Tarpaulin Fish Pond must also say infection can slowdown the growth of your fish, your fish would be eating but will not grow well. Take human being for instance, one may be having infection (e.g Aids), yet would be eating but no body flesh adding let alone of adding weight, so also are some cases of infection in fish farming, so farmers must be conscious of their fish growth rate and treat possible fish disease adequately, because as a fish farmer, what we need is both flesh and weight. So farmers, you all have to be always be observant and also always watch the reaction of your fish. Farmers must always try to examine the fish when you drain their water, observe if there is any symptom or irregularity, because just one symptom could cause unnecessary havock that will cost you. So again we at Made Easy Tarpaulin Fish Pond must say, you should never jeopardize with examining your fish, always.

Reinforced Mobile Pond
Made Easy Tarpaulin Fish Pond.

(3) SORTING: Sorting is also very important. We at Made Easy Tarpaulin Fish Pond must say fish have territorial attitude, whereby the bigger ones oppress the smaller ones with their weight and size, the smaller ones are afraid of the bigger ones and as such will not struggle with them when food is served. As a result of which they will either be starved to death of having very little to eat, thereby resulting to stunted growth. In fact, we at Made Easy Tarpaulin Fish Pond must say, sometimes, the smaller ones would gange up to thunder strike the bigger ones… So to avoid all these survival of the fittest, you have to keep fish of similar size in same pond e.g. 200-250grams in same pond, 300-350grams in another pond. For instance, if you keep 300grams and 500grams in same pond, the result is that the big one will be growing bigger while the small ones will have stunted growth, and cannibalism (fish eating themselves) is another possible consequence.

Made Easy Tarpaulin Pond
Reinforced Mobile Tarpaulin Fish Pond

(4) SPACING : Fish need space, most people think the profitability depends on the number of fish you stock. No, not at all! We at Made Easy Tarpaulin Fish Pond must say, neither under stock nor overstock is good, but It is at least better to understock your pond than to overstock. When your water start smelling within few days or hours of changing water, just know that you have overstocked. Apart from this, we at Made Easy Tarpaulin Fish Pond must say, there are whole lots consequences of overstock that doesn’t promote profitability, some of which include: cannibalism, stunt growth, mortality etc. So If you realize you have overstock, the way out is either you reduce the number of fish or change the water daily. Although we at Made Easy Tarpaulin Fish Pond must say fish enjoy fresh water, with it, they eat better and swim better in clean water, but reducing the number is better when you realize you have overstock. And after that, If you can maintain clean water at all times, you will see surprise in the growth of your fish, it would be like a magic.

We at Made Easy Tarpaulin Fish Pond hope this suggestions and advice really help… wish you best of harvest ahead.

Best regards,
Made Easy Tarpaulin Fish Pond,
While we sell tarpaulin fish pond,
We Also train on fish farming; for beginner and advance level course.
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